WOW Committees

Marketing & Communication
Chair: Danyele Easterhaus

The purpose of the Marketing Committee is to help increase the awareness of Women of Westfield and the Westfield community through creating an engaging platform for WOW members to engage across social media, digital & print media, newsletter and other marketing outlets. through outreach and create a marketing strategy.

Relationship Committee
Chair: Jill Doyle

The purpose of the Relationship Committee is to plan monthly events to create networking and relationship building opportunities for all women in Westfield.

Service Committee
Chair: Karen Keinsley

The Service Committee provides volunteer and giving back opportunities for WOW members and local nonprofits.

Program Committee
Chair: Janelle Campbell

The purpose of the Program Committee will lead all fundraising events ensuring the visibility of the organization to its members in multiple formats.

Each committee has a limited number of spots. If you are interested in joining a committee, please click the button below and fill out the form of interest.